11. Video Tutorials

Below is our entire collection of video tutorials!


Data types



11.1. General functionality covering all data types

11.2. Data types

In this section, we summarize the general functionality associated with each data type that can be used within GIFtools.

Magnetics data (MAGdata)

  • I/O of GIF-formatted mag3d data files: see general functionality

  • I/O of ascii-based CSV and XYZ file type: see general functionality

  • Change/set (anomaly) inclinations, declinations, and field strength: YouTube, download (2.9 MB)

  • Remove DC bias: YouTube, download (7.7 MB)

  • De-trend data with polynomial fits: YouTube, download (17.5 MB) (or via the data GUI)

  • Assign standard deviations (% and/or floor) to data: see general functionality

  • Edit datum or standard deviation or completely remove them: see general functionality

  • Output files for forward modelling: YouTube, download (10 MB)

  • Set up input files for use with mag3d inversion: YouTube, download (14.5 MB)

  • Read output files from mag3d and view predicted data, recovered models, and inversion diagnostics (e.g., Tikhonov curve): YouTube, download (26 MB)

  • Perform joint inversion on multiple magnetic data sets with mag3d: YouTube, download (50 MB)

  • Perform equivalent source processing (with magsenes and maginves): YouTube, download (25 MB)

  • Add Gaussian noise to the data: YouTube, download (6 MB)

Gravity data (GRAVdata)

  • I/O of GIF-formatted grav3d data files: see general functionality

  • I/O of ascii-based CSV and XYZ file type: see general functionality

  • De-trend data with polynomial fits: see magnetic data or via the data GUI

  • Assign standard deviations (% and floor) to data: see general functionality

  • Edit datum or standard deviation or completely remove them: see general functionality


Check the magnetic data section, too, as often what works there, also works for gravity (both being potential field data).

Direct current data (DCdata)

  • I/O of GIF-formatted dcip2d and dcip3d data files: see general functionality

  • Import DCIP ascii files: YouTube, download (15 MB)

  • Create 2D data sets from 3D data and combine 2D data sets into 3D data files: YouTube, download (27 MB)

  • Add standard deviations (% and floor) to data: see general functionality

  • Edit datum or standard deviation or completely remove them: see general functionality

  • Calculate normalized voltage from apparent resistivity: YouTube, download (8 MB)

  • Calculate apparent resistivity from normalized voltage: YouTube, download (6 MB)

  • Create input files and run make_wdat.exe: YouTube, download (24 MB)

Induced polarization data (IPdata)

  • I/O of GIF-formatted dcip2d and dcip3d data files: see general functionality

  • Import DCIP ascii files: YouTube, download (15 MB)

  • Add standard deviations (% and floor) to data: see general functionality

  • Edit datum or standard deviation or completely remove them: see general functionality

General frequency-domain EM data (FEMdata)

  • I/O of GIF-formatted E3Dinv data files: see general functionality

  • I/O of ascii-based CSV and XYZ file type: see general functionality

  • Edit datum or standard deviation or completely remove them: see general functionality

  • Simple and column calculator (same functionality as TEM): YouTube, download (5 MB)

  • Assigning frequency-based uncertainty to EM data (same functionality as TEM): YouTube, download (19 MB)

General time-domain EM data (TEMdata)

  • I/O of GIF-formatted TDoctree or H3DTD data files: see general functionality

  • I/O of ascii-based CSV and XYZ file type: see general functionality

  • Edit datum or standard deviation or completely remove them: see general functionality

  • Add AEM coincident loop sources: YouTube, download (10 MB)

  • Add AEM offset loop sources: YouTube, download (15 MB)

  • Simple and column calculator: YouTube, download (5 MB)

  • Assigning time-based uncertainty to EM data: YouTube, download (19 MB)

Magnetotelluric EM data (MTdata)

  • I/O of GIF-formatted MT3Dinv data files: see general functionality

  • I/O of ascii-based CSV and XYZ file type: see general functionality

  • Import EDI files: YouTube, download (14 MB)

  • Edit datum or standard deviation or completely remove them: see general functionality

Z-Axis tipper EM data (ZTEMdata)

  • I/O of GIF-formatted MT3Dinv data files: see general functionality

  • I/O of ascii-based CSV and XYZ file type: see general functionality

  • Edit datum or standard deviation or completely remove them: see general functionality

  • Add a base station: YouTube, download (5 MB)

Physical property data (BOREdata and PROPdata) via modelBuilder

  • Load borehole property, collar, and optional survey files: YouTube, download (60 MB)

  • Edit datum or standard deviation or completely remove them: see general functionality

  • Discretize borehole and property data onto a GIF mesh: YouTube, download (90 MB)

  • Assign bounds and create a reference model for GIF inversions: YouTube, download (90 MB)

  • Create weighting functions to add soft constraints to GIF inversions: YouTube, download (24 MB)

  • Work in any units and convert them at the end to the proper units required for inversion via the calculators: see general functionality

Topography data (TOPOdata)

11.3. Meshes

In this section, we summarize the general functionality associated with each type of mesh that can be used within GIFtools.

Three-dimensional tensor mesh (mesh3D)

  • I/O and view 3D tensor meshes (for use with 3D codes): YouTube, download (9.8 MB)

  • Create meshes internally with GIFtools for potential-field data: see general functionality

  • Create a simple mesh: YouTube, download (13 MB)

OcTree meshes (meshOctree)

  • I/O and view the ocTree meshes (for use with ocTree codes): YouTube, download (9.4 MB)

  • Create refined octree mesh and active cell model from topography: YouTube, download (21 MB)

11.4. Models

In this section, we summarize the general functionality associated with each type of model that can be used within GIFtools.

Cell-centred discretized models (GIFmodel)

  • I/O and view GIF models: see general functionality

  • Build reference models for inversion using other GIFmodels, geologic information, and/or borehole data: see modelBuilder functionality

  • Use a simple calculator to convert between units and change the unit description: YouTube, download (5 MB)

  • Create active cell models from topography data (TOPOdata): YouTube, download (16 MB)

  • Create simple constant-value models: YouTube, download (4.7 MB)

  • Assign value to air cells: YouTube, download (13 MB)

Face discretized models (FACEmodel)

  • I/O and view GIF models discretized on faces (e.g., weighting files): see general functionality (model GUI will view FACEmodels)

  • Create face weighting for inversion based on a reference model: see modelBuilder functionality