11. Video Tutorials
Below is our entire collection of video tutorials!
Data types
11.1. General functionality covering all data types
Import ascii-based XYZ or CSV files for EM data: YouTube, download (49 MB)
Change the number of openMP threads for executables and find the version number: YouTube, download (12 MB)
Assign simple uncertainties to any data set: YouTube, download (7 MB)
View convergence curves for an inversion: YouTube, download (15 MB)
11.2. Data types
In this section, we summarize the general functionality associated with each data type that can be used within GIFtools.
Magnetics data (MAGdata)
I/O of GIF-formatted mag3d data files: see general functionality
I/O of ascii-based CSV and XYZ file type: see general functionality
Change/set (anomaly) inclinations, declinations, and field strength: YouTube, download (2.9 MB)
De-trend data with polynomial fits: YouTube, download (17.5 MB) (or via the data GUI)
Assign standard deviations (% and/or floor) to data: see general functionality
Edit datum or standard deviation or completely remove them: see general functionality
Output files for forward modelling: YouTube, download (10 MB)
Set up input files for use with mag3d inversion: YouTube, download (14.5 MB)
Read output files from mag3d and view predicted data, recovered models, and inversion diagnostics (e.g., Tikhonov curve): YouTube, download (26 MB)
Perform joint inversion on multiple magnetic data sets with mag3d: YouTube, download (50 MB)
Perform equivalent source processing (with magsenes and maginves): YouTube, download (25 MB)
Gravity data (GRAVdata)
I/O of GIF-formatted grav3d data files: see general functionality
I/O of ascii-based CSV and XYZ file type: see general functionality
De-trend data with polynomial fits: see magnetic data or via the data GUI
Assign standard deviations (% and floor) to data: see general functionality
Edit datum or standard deviation or completely remove them: see general functionality
Check the magnetic data section, too, as often what works there, also works for gravity (both being potential field data).
Direct current data (DCdata)
I/O of GIF-formatted dcip2d and dcip3d data files: see general functionality
Create 2D data sets from 3D data and combine 2D data sets into 3D data files: YouTube, download (27 MB)
Add standard deviations (% and floor) to data: see general functionality
Edit datum or standard deviation or completely remove them: see general functionality
Calculate normalized voltage from apparent resistivity: YouTube, download (8 MB)
Calculate apparent resistivity from normalized voltage: YouTube, download (6 MB)
Create input files and run make_wdat.exe: YouTube, download (24 MB)
Induced polarization data (IPdata)
I/O of GIF-formatted dcip2d and dcip3d data files: see general functionality
Add standard deviations (% and floor) to data: see general functionality
Edit datum or standard deviation or completely remove them: see general functionality
General frequency-domain EM data (FEMdata)
I/O of GIF-formatted E3Dinv data files: see general functionality
I/O of ascii-based CSV and XYZ file type: see general functionality
Edit datum or standard deviation or completely remove them: see general functionality
Simple and column calculator (same functionality as TEM): YouTube, download (5 MB)
Assigning frequency-based uncertainty to EM data (same functionality as TEM): YouTube, download (19 MB)
General time-domain EM data (TEMdata)
I/O of GIF-formatted TDoctree or H3DTD data files: see general functionality
I/O of ascii-based CSV and XYZ file type: see general functionality
Edit datum or standard deviation or completely remove them: see general functionality
Assigning time-based uncertainty to EM data: YouTube, download (19 MB)
Magnetotelluric EM data (MTdata)
I/O of GIF-formatted MT3Dinv data files: see general functionality
I/O of ascii-based CSV and XYZ file type: see general functionality
Edit datum or standard deviation or completely remove them: see general functionality
Z-Axis tipper EM data (ZTEMdata)
I/O of GIF-formatted MT3Dinv data files: see general functionality
I/O of ascii-based CSV and XYZ file type: see general functionality
Edit datum or standard deviation or completely remove them: see general functionality
Physical property data (BOREdata and PROPdata) via modelBuilder
Load borehole property, collar, and optional survey files: YouTube, download (60 MB)
Edit datum or standard deviation or completely remove them: see general functionality
Discretize borehole and property data onto a GIF mesh: YouTube, download (90 MB)
Assign bounds and create a reference model for GIF inversions: YouTube, download (90 MB)
Create weighting functions to add soft constraints to GIF inversions: YouTube, download (24 MB)
Work in any units and convert them at the end to the proper units required for inversion via the calculators: see general functionality
Topography data (TOPOdata)
11.3. Meshes
In this section, we summarize the general functionality associated with each type of mesh that can be used within GIFtools.
Three-dimensional tensor mesh (mesh3D)
I/O and view 3D tensor meshes (for use with 3D codes): YouTube, download (9.8 MB)
Create meshes internally with GIFtools for potential-field data: see general functionality
OcTree meshes (meshOctree)
11.4. Models
In this section, we summarize the general functionality associated with each type of model that can be used within GIFtools.
Cell-centred discretized models (GIFmodel)
I/O and view GIF models: see general functionality
Build reference models for inversion using other GIFmodels, geologic information, and/or borehole data: see modelBuilder functionality
Use a simple calculator to convert between units and change the unit description: YouTube, download (5 MB)
Create active cell models from topography data (TOPOdata): YouTube, download (16 MB)
Create simple constant-value models: YouTube, download (4.7 MB)
Face discretized models (FACEmodel)
I/O and view GIF models discretized on faces (e.g., weighting files): see general functionality (model GUI will view FACEmodels)
Create face weighting for inversion based on a reference model: see modelBuilder functionality