8. Recipes
8.1. Data Processing
8.2. Forward Modeling Recipes
8.3. Inversion Recipes
8.4. Other Recipes
- 8.4.1. Create a geologic model from an image
- 8.4.2. Use a surface (or surfaces) in an inversion
- 8.4.3. Import TEM data from a XYZ or csv file
- 8.4.4. Add transmitter information to a TEM data object
- 8.4.5. Create a geology model from an isosurface
- 8.4.6. Create a physical property model from a geology model
- 8.4.7. Create weights from a geology model
- 8.4.8. Create a waveform for a TEM data set
- 8.4.9. Create an octree mesh using a Fortran utility
- 8.4.10. Assign elevation from height and topography surface