10.5. Comprehensive Workflows: MobileMT
Author: Devin C. Cowan
Published: October, 2023
Here, we present a general workflow for loading, interpreting and inverting Expert Geophysics MobileMT data. We begin with CSV formatted data and local topography. Our goal is to invert the data to recover a 3D conductivity model. You may work with the tutorial dataset provided or your own data:
The data used for this tutorial were collected at a test site near Cochrane, Ontario, Canada. We greatly appreciate Rio Tinto for providing data used to create this comprehensive workflow.
Tutorial Sections
- 10.5.1. - Understanding MobileMT data
- 10.5.2. - Loading and visualizing Mobile MT data
- 10.5.3. - Assigning uncertainties
- 10.5.4. - Preparing data for inversion within the GIFtools framework
- 10.5.5. - Mesh design
- 10.5.6. - Setting appropriate parameters and running the inversion
- 10.5.7. - Examining convergence, data misfit and the recovered model