Create octree mesh Create an ocTree mesh from DC or IP data
Interaction with the Fortran utility program create_octree_mesh_dcip
can be done by creating an DCIPmeshUtility item. This item will interact with the utility program to create an ocTree mesh from a DC3D or IP3D data item for the dcipoctree
package. To create, use the menu structure:
Create → Fortran utility program → Create ocTree mesh → DC (and IP) Create an ocTree mesh from FEM data
Interaction with the Fortran utility program create_octree_mesh_e3d
can be done by creating an E3DmeshUtility item. This item will interact with the utility program to create an ocTree mesh from an FEM data item for the inversion program e3d
. To create, use the menu structure:
Create → Fortran utility program → Create ocTree mesh → E3D (FEMdata) Create an ocTree mesh from FEM 3D sounding data
Interaction with the Fortran utility program create_octree_mesh_e3d_v2
can be done by creating an E3Dver2meshUtility item. This item will interact with the utility program to create an ocTree mesh from a FEM 3D sounding data item for the inversion program e3d_v2
. To create, use the menu structure:
Create → Fortran utility program → Create ocTree mesh → E3D ver 2 (FEM3Dsounding) Create a tiled ocTree mesh from FEM 3D sounding data
Interaction with the Fortran utility program create_octree_mesh_e3d_v2_tiled
can be done by creating an E3Dver2tilemeshUtility item. This item will interact with the utility program to create an ocTree mesh from a FEM 3D sounding data item for the inversion program e3d_v2_tiled
. To create, use the menu structure:
Create → Fortran utility program → Create ocTree mesh → E3D ver 2 tiled (FEM3Dsounding) Create an ocTree mesh from MT or ZTEM data
Interaction with the Fortran utility program create_octree_mesh_e3dmt
can be done by creating an E3DMTmeshUtility item. This item will interact with the utility program to create an ocTree mesh from an IMPdata or ZTEMdata item for the inversion program e3dmt
. To create, use the menu structure:
Create → Fortran utility program → Create ocTree mesh → E3DMT (IMPdata and ZTEMdata) Create an ocTree mesh from MT or ZTEM data for v2
Interaction with the Fortran utility program create_octree_mesh_e3dmt_v2
can be done by creating an E3DMTver2meshUtility item. This item will interact with the utility program to create an ocTree mesh from an IMPdata or ZTEMdata item for the inversion program e3dmt_v2
. To create, use the menu structure:
Create → Fortran utility program → Create ocTree mesh → E3DMT ver 2 (IMPdata and ZTEMdata) Create an ocTree mesh from TEM data
Interaction with the Fortran utility program create_octree_mesh_td
can be done by creating a TDoctreeUtility item. This item will interact with the utility program to create an ocTree mesh from a TEM data item for the inversion program tdoctree
. To create, use the menu structure:
Create → Fortran utility program → Create ocTree mesh → TDoctree (TEMdata) Create a tiled ocTree mesh from TEM data
Interaction with the Fortran utility program create_octree_mesh_td_tiled
can be done by creating a TDoctreeTiledUtility item. This item will interact with the utility program to create an ocTree mesh from a TEM data item for the inversion program tdoctree_tiled
. To create, use the menu structure:
Create → Fortran utility program → Create ocTree mesh → TDoctree tiled (TEMdata) Create an ocTree mesh from TEM 3D sounding data
Interaction with the Fortran utility program create_octree_mesh_td_v2
can be done by creating a TDoctreever2Utility item. This item will interact with the utility program to create an ocTree mesh from a TEM3Dsounding item for the inversion program tdoctree_v2
. To create, use the menu structure:
Create → Fortran utility program → Create ocTree mesh → TDoctree ver 2 (TEM3Dsounding) Create an ocTree mesh for DC data
Interaction with the Fortran utility program create_octree_mesh
can be done by creating a DCIPcreateOctreeMesh item. This item will interact with the utility program to create an ocTree mesh from an DC or IP data item for the inversion program DCoctree
and IPoctree
. To create, use the menu structure:
Create → Fortran utility program → Create ocTree mesh → DC (and IP) Create an ocTree mesh for gravity
Interaction with the Fortran utility program create_octree_mesh_mag
can be done by creating an GRAVcreateOctreeMesh item. This item will interact with the utility program to create an ocTree mesh from a gravity data item for the inversion program octgravde
. To create, use the menu structure:
Create → Fortran utility program → Create ocTree mesh → Gravity (PDE) Create an ocTree mesh for magnetics
Interaction with the Fortran utility program create_octree_mesh_mag
can be done by creating an MAGcreateOctreeMesh item. This item will interact with the utility program to create an ocTree mesh from a magnetics data item for the inversion program octmagde
. To create, use the menu structure:
Create → Fortran utility program → Create ocTree mesh → Magnetics (PDE)