Import DC/IP data

DC and IP data can be imported in from three main file types: Use the main project menu: ImportDataDC/IP Import 2D DC/IP data

DC and IP data used by the DCIP2D inversion routine can be imported through six different file formats: Use the main project menu: ImportDC/IP2D

Note: Importation from a CSV/XYZ file is found under ImportDC/IP and is independent of dimension in the menu


File formats: Import 3D DC/IP data

DC and IP data used by the DCIP3D inversion routine can be imported using the main project menu: ImportDC/IP3D

Note: Importation from a CSV/XYZ file is found under ImportDC/IP and is independent of dimension in the menu


File formats: import 3D TDIP data


It is possible to import IP data with several times windows from a CSV or XYZ file (this is not supported by any DCIP GIF format).

Step 1: assign spatial data and time windows

Click this button to specify the Easting, Northing and Elevation columns.

In the window that pops up, set the time of each time windows (can also be loaded from a text file with one time per line)

step 2: select the data type and data columns

Add and select a data type. Clic on specify type and assign the header for each corresponding column (can also be loaded from a text file with one header per line)

Step 3: add miscellaneous data

This step is used to define any remaining data columns. This might include intensity of the sources etc.